Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Maui and the sun

Māui and the sun

Maui  wanted to catch the sun as the sun was too fast.  Maui and his brothers made a rope out of flax, it looks like a skipping rope.Maui and his brothers are hiding in the big rocks from the sun.They catch the sun with the ropes and Maui cuts and hurts the sun.  The sun is sad and crying.The sun went fast now he is going slow.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


One day two little adventurers were about to go mountain climbing so they saw the mountains and started heading that way. The  mountains  look like   big  juicy   red watermelons.  They  smell   like    sugar.  The girls names were   Kirnpreet  and   Arshdeep.Kirnpreet these mountains are far to slippery. Let's get a rope to climb up.We are nearly there -push harder and keep climbing.Hooray we are at the top of the mountain.